• Let me tell you…, Climate Action Network Europe, 2020 (postcard action)


  • 2020-21 | Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Grant ‘Un future pour la culture’ (BE)

‘Let me show you… A collection of climate testimonies in Europe.’ is a collaborative photo project, which encompasses witnesses in Europe telling first hand how their lives and environment are being affected by Climate Change. The postcards were sent to the national politicians before the European Council on the 10th and 11th of December 2020. During this event, the European leaders aimed at finding new common emissions reduction targets for 2030 in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The series includes stories from Portugal, Italy, France, Hungary, Germany, Belgium, Austria and Sweden. The project has been implemented in collaboration with Climate Action Network Europe, including national members such as WWF Hungary, German Watch and POW Europe.